Workshop for people with dementia and carers
- Haus der Barmherzigkeit, Seeböckgasse, Vienna.
- Promenz - Selfhelp Group, Vienna
- Caritas Socialis Day Care Center, Oberzellergasse Vienna
Performed in the period from March to June 2017
The artist Cornelia Bast comes with her art object Tree of Potentials to people in a caring home or to a self-help group.

What is important to me personally?
Which interests, passions and wishes do I have?
Are there similarities with the other workshop participants?
How are they distinguished from each other?
Are there any connecting points?
The aim of the workshop is to make one's own interests, abilities, passions and wishes visible to oneself and to others. On the other hand, the self-confidence of people living with dementia should be strengthened and a new view of their potentials should be achieved.