The project seeks to raise public awareness of the situation of people living with dementia. Artistic concepts and strategies offer new approaches and new perspectives on the topic. In various ways, art and design can call attention to the challenges people with dementia face everyday, by, for example, destabilizing the normal, unquestioning trust that people who do not live with dementia place in their everyday perceptions.
Art and design strategies open up new perspectives for people with dementia on their own abilities and their social environment. Art-based processes help support people living with dementia to retain or even partially regain their sense of self-determination, and to remain an active part of society for a longer period of time and thereby too aid in countering their social isolation.
D.A.S. Dementia.Arts.Society.
An arts-based research project, situated at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)